Fully Invested

Arncliffe, NSW

DA approved residential development site

The Loan is secured by first registered mortgage over DA approved residential development site located in Arncliffe, NSW, approximately 10km south of the Sydney GPO, and 2km to the west of Sydney International Airport.

The purpose of the Loan was to assist with the acquisition of the Security Property.

The Security Property is currently improved by four (4) freestanding residences.

The Borrower has been known to Balmain over several years, and has successfully developed numerous single and multi-dwelling residential homes, display homes and 3–4-bedroom townhouses across the ACT. The principal of the Borrower Group previously worked for a number of large property development companies in the ACT.


  • The Loan was advanced at a Loan to Value Ratio of 65%.
  • The Target Return is 9.20% p.a., net of fees and expenses, and is paid to Investors monthly in arrears.
  • The Loan is supported by joint and several personal and corporate guarantees and a General Security Agreement over the Borrower and a related corporate entity
  • Interest for the initial 6 months of the Loan Term has been lodged on deposit with the Manager.
  • The Manager has assessed the financial position of the Borrower and Guarantors and is satisfied that they are financially capable to service a loan of this nature.
  • The Loan Term is 12 months, subject to early or late repayment, from 22 May 2024 to 21 May 2025.

Investment Details

  • Target Return
    9.2% net
  • Loan to Value Ratio
  • Term
    8 Months

Full details, unique to each investment, are provided to Investors in a Supplementary PDS. These detailed Supplementary PDS’s are only available to Investors in Balmain Private.

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